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Webinar: Inroads to Entrepreneurship: Local strategies to support immigrant business and local prosperity

With retirement rates outpacing workforce growth in communities across regional and rural Canada, smaller cities and towns are looking for new ways to bolster the local economy. For many, that means investing in strategies for the reception and integration of immigrant entrepreneurs.  Whether running a small business or investing in a new start-up, entrepreneurship has always been a route for immigrants to establish and sustain themselves in new communities.  Research suggests that local communities that are willing to invest in entrepreneurism are investing in strategies that will advance innovation and spur creativity for the benefit of all residents.

Immigrants face the same challenges in starting a new business as entrepreneurs anywhere. Additional roadblocks can include language, limited knowledge of local markets, regulatory issues, access to credit or vital business networks.  What can smaller cities do to support aspiring immigrant entrepreneurs and ensure they lay down the roots for a successful business and new life in the community?

Learn how the cities of Fredericton (NB) and Peterborough (ON) are providing inroads to entrepreneurism and economic inclusion for newcomers.