Internationale Veranstaltungen

Europäische und internationale Zusammenarbeit fördern

Living Diversity - Empowerment and Inclusion of Migrants in Europe
International training for multipliers of youth work and democracy education

  • Termin: 15.10.2023 – 22.10.2023
  • Dozenten: Päd. Mitarbeiterin: Iwona Domachowska
  • In Kooperation mit: PATRIR (Peace in Action Training and Research Institute of Romania), Rumänien, Arci Comitato Territorale di Catania, Italien, NGO LEGIS, Foundation for European Studies (FEPS)
  • Gefördert durch: EU Programm Erasmus+
  • Zertifikat: Seminar kann mit Zertifikat abgeschlossen werden
  • Beitrag: 150 €

This unique 8-day international training brings together up to 25 youth workers and other multipliers from various NGOs from Italy, Poland, Romania, North-Macedonia and Germany, all of them either representing or working with migrant communities. In times of war and forced migration, racism and discrimination in Europe, we want to use this unique learning opportunity to jointly discover ways to promote diversity, anti-discrimination and inclusion of migrants, particularly through youth and educational work.

  • How to engage and work on eye-level with especially young migrants?
  • What approaches can be used for empowerment and promotion of active citizenship among migrant communities?
  • What are successful methods and lessons learnt from others?
  • What kind of possibilities are there for cooperation among NGOs on the international level?

As trainers and participants we will put our heads together to find answers to these questions and innovative impulses for our every-day practice.

Training content:
At first participants will learn about pedagogical methods of diversity and democracy education, taking into account intersectional perspectives regarding identity and discrimination. Second, participants will get the chance to learn from best practice examples of anti-discrimination work from organisations and projects in nearby Hamburg. Last but not least, they will get space and support to develop their own project ideas – on the international level.

Training methods:
Next to expert inputs, the team of experienced trainers will apply a variety of interactive, group engaging methods and make use of different media to convey the training contents. We will facilitate peer-to-peer learning among participants and organize project visits. Room for reflection will be provided to enhance the personal and mutual learning process. There will be plenty of time for informal exchange, socializing and networking.

For taking part:
The training is open for all employees as well as volunteers (especially youth workers) who have a migrant biography and/or who work with migrants and questions related to their empowerment and inclusion. Travel expenses of all participants will mostly be covered by the EU Erasmus+ Program according to donor regulations. The participation fee varies between participanting countries. The participation fee varies between participanting countries. In case the fee is an obstacle for your participation, please contact us confidentially by email.
The main training language will be English and therefore at least intermediate skills are required. A certificate will be handed to all participants after successful completion of the training. For further information, please consult the flyer on the right hand side of this page.

    Iwona Iwona Domachowska

    Iwona Domachowska

    Bildungsreferentin. Studium angewandte Linguistik, M.A., Friedens- und Sicherheitspolitik, M.P.S. Zertifizierte Gruppenleiterin interkulturelle Bildung, zertifizierte Trainerin des Demokratie-Lernprogramms „Betzavta/Miteinander“. Schwerpunkte der politischen Bildung: Diversity, Demokratiebildung und Rassismuskritik.

Beitrag: Zimmer Kosten *)
Fee DZ/VP 150€ €

*) Alle Preisangaben inkl. MwSt.

Alle Beiträge beziehen sich auf Programm, Vollverpflegung – natürlich auch vegetarisch – und Unterbringung pro Person in der angegebenen Zimmerart mit Dusche/WC. Ausdrücklich angegebene Beiträge mit Unterbringung im Einzelzimmer (EZ/VP) enthalten bereits den jeweils gültigen Einzelzimmerzuschlag. Teilnehmende aus der Region, die nicht im Hause übernachten: Bitte Re­duk­tion er­fragen.

Verwandte Themen Demokratiekompetenz Diversity Europa Fachkräfte Flucht Fremdenfeindlichkeit Interkulturelle Kompetenz Menschenrechte multikulturelle Gesellschaft Multiplikator/-innen Partizipation Vielfalt Vorurteile gegen Minderheiten


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Fragen zum Seminar

Bei inhaltlichen Fragen beraten wir Sie gern:

Iwona Domachowska

Diversity und Demokratie
+49 (0)5821 955-167


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Gustav Stresemann Institut in Niedersachsen e.V. // Europäisches Bildungs- und Tagungshaus Bad Bevensen

Klosterweg 4 . 29549 Bad Bevensen
Telefon: (0 58 21) 9 55-0

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